
Babyshambles: Killamangiro

So Kate Moss, former girlfriend of Peter Doherty, former lead singer for the Libertines, and current front man for Babyshambles, recently blamed Pete for selling the phone video of her snorting yay for cash to buy drugs.

Considering Peters past brushes with the law, including breaking into a former bandmates house to jack shit to sell for Heroine, this sounds credible. But Kate's indignant tone amuses me. After all she's a supermodel partying with Rockstars. I don't think anyone found this too much of a surprise. It's not like her profession isn't riddled with this type of shit anyway.

Now Babyshambles. I completely stayed away from the Libertines when they were still together for fear of too much media exposure. Nothing can kill an OK or even great band for me like too much of it. British and American magazine were cranking out reviews of these guys like freaking candy. Not to mention all the shenanigans at the live shows, robberies, fights and model fucking.

So I stumbled upon this video having no preconceived notions about this band and whether to get my music snob nose up before listening. Surprise! I like it. It's arty, simple, catchy, slightly rough, low on production tricks. Seems to meet the criteria. So I do a little web surfing and ...

What?! Peter Doherty is the front man for this band?! What the Fuck?! I've been tricked.

So grudgingly I listened to Babyshambles. I have no complaints. So mustering my righteous rock anger I went back and dug up libertine CD copies someone gave me in the hopes of turning me to the Cult of Personality that was (is) the Libertines. People still talk about these guys like they're Gods.

....Fine. I'll admit it. They're good. Happy?

Here is the official site for Babyshambles. Not much here.

And for comparison official site for The Libertines.

Update: Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok. Hold on. somone wrote me and told me some more shit that makes Peter Doherty the most entertaining Vocalist out right now for dipshit stuff. On "Down in Albion" The guy performing the track called Pentonville is some mutherfucker he met in JAIL! WTF?! You meet someone in the slammer and then ask him to guest on your next album? Maybe he sold the spot for H. HEE Hee HEE HEE!!! To Top it off Kate Moss does backing vocals on "Belle Et La BĂȘte" BwAAAAAAAAAHAAAAhAhAHhaahhA!! *sniff*

Just thought I'd share that.

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