
Air: Cherry Blossom Girl

After 10,000 Hz Legend, I didn't think I'd be bothering to listen to these two anymore. But wisely, French elctronic pop producers Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoit Dunckel have gotten back to what they do best. Writing cool synth pop with sixties porn music mixed n for flavor.Thankfully they've gotten over discovering that they can make their Macintosh talk and are no longer inflicting such crap on us.

If you really want to see what makes Air so cool, pick up Premiers Symptomes or Better yet, Moon Safari Both are great, and are well worth owning. Oh, and Air also did the soundtrack for "The Virgin Suicides," but whether thats a recomendation or a condemnation depends entirely on how you feel about that movie. The Book is 1000000 times better. Best writing I've read in years.

This video has beeen making the rounds on the net lately, but whether it's becuase people are actually enjoying the music or becuase there's (gasp) NUDITY in it, I'm not sure. You be the Judge.
Air: Cherry Blossom Girl

The Official site is pretty cool too.


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