
Ok Go: A Million Ways To Be Cruel

I heard doubt these guys a while ago on NPR radio out here. I only caught a small bit of the segment but I was intrigued by the fact that Ok Go's video for A Million Ways had been downloaded over a million time on the net in a sixth month period, or something ridiculous like that.
The other thing that caught my attention was the fact that one of the band members sisters had choreographed the whole thing. When you watch this it's quite obvious really. But whats cool is that these guys from the band pull off a fairly complex three minute dance and make it look good. On top of which, it's a great song. Got a sort of disco dance floor groove thing going for it.

On the bad side it's also not representative of the rest of the catalogue. Other songs by Ok Go sound derivative of a Weezer/Emo thing, which is not my cup of tea. But if it's YOUR cup of tea then go to the official website.

And surprise, surprise, Ok Go also maintains their very own Blog right amongst us.


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